University of Bristol Trans-Continental Expedition 1960 — 61 
Six young graduates on an epic journey around the world, the first of its kind
30,000 land miles in British built 4 wheel drive vehicles, 16,000 miles by sea, 20 countries and 13 months travelling

Lord Mayor of Bristol, Ald. Hugh Jenkins Patron of the Expedition said

"It was with very great pleasure that I learned of the Trans-Continental Expedition, 1960-61, and of the very extensive nature of the route which has been chosen."

"It is nothing new for Bristol to be the base from which expeditions of discovery have ventured forth over the ages, but it is heartening to find that this spirit of adventure is far from dead in this modern era.

The young men who will carry the name of the city and University of Bristol over the world will bear with them the goodwill of all the citizens of this ancient city, and their best wishes for a most successful and rewarding journey."


An Idea How it all began
Team The six — Mark Howell — Peter Krinks — Malcolm McKernan — Tony Morrison — Don Pilton and Roger Tutt
Support The British Companies, the International Companies, the University and the patrons from the City of Bristol
RouteAround the world
Projects Two academic areas — a village in India and a UN project in Bolivia PLUS the USA and Canada for the City of Bristol
PressClippings and reports
Film + Audio

The Television coverage and sound recordings on tape made on location see COLLECTIONS

see The Team VIDEO

MemoirsA variety of recollections gathered before the memories fade

The text and most of the images are © Copyright
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