Report of the Trans-Continental Expedition- Bristol November 1961 |
project India Our
observations were based on the villages of Pusegaon, Koregaon,Aundh 90miles [144kms]
South of Poona and some 200 miles[ 320 kms] inland from Bombay) in Satara District
of Maharashtra State, using information previously supplied by Professor D.R.Gadgil,
Director of the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Poona. [Poona
is now Pune and Bombay is Mumbai] Our
arrival in the District was long expected due to advance publicity on our behalf
by the Gokhale Institute and the Commonwealth Relations Office; and with the ready
co-operation of Mr.Deshmukh, the District Collector, and Mr.Hinge, Mamlatdar (Chief
Government official) in Koregaon, we established ourselves in the Government Inspection
Bungalows in Koregaon and Aundh for ten weeks. In
initial interviews with the District Agricultural Officer and other District Officers
we gained a general picture of the economic situation of the District, and learned
of the programmes - in progress or planned - for more rapid development. These
covered such fields as improvements in crops, land management, and farming methods;
completion of land redistribution, consolidation of holdings,and the spreading
of various kinds ofco-operatives. We later saw a number of farming systems, two
of the most interesting being a private farm at Aundh that served as an agricultural
demonstration centre for the area, and a co-operative village group around Devapur
organised by the Dorab Tata Trust.
Mark, Peter and Roger with Mr. Patil and his son Arun - Pusegaon, December 24th
1960 | Mr.Joglekar,
Research Assistant of the Gokhale Institute in charge of an economic re-survey
of Pusegaon, gave us much information, and more important, helped greatly in the
interpretation of what we saw. To
form a conception of the District's future, we visited the huge Koyna Hydro Electric
Project - scheduled to commence supply in October 1961- which it is hoped will
encourage the development of small industries; and also visited the three leading
industrial concerns in the district (Kirloskar Brothers and Cooper Engineering
making pumps and agricultural implements and the Ogale Glass Works), observing
the functioning of rural industries and the contribution they can make to the
economy of a farming area.
Visits to a number of schools and colleges, and to adult literacy classes demonstrated
the determined efforts being made in education. The staffs of the local schools
willingly acted as interpreters and gave information on social matters; in particular
Mr.J B.Patil, Headmaster of the Pusegaon High School, gave freely of his time
and patience. For
such understanding as we acquired during our too-brief stay, we are deeply indebted
to the friendliness and co-operation of everyone we met.
of the Andean Progarmme, International Labour Office, Geneva December 1961 |
project Bolivia
Our initial ideas
concerning the Bolivia Project had developed through correspondence with the International
Labour Office and the associated Andean Mission. In the course of the Expedition's
first week in La Paz these ideas were molded more firmly into a three month itinerary
during discussions with Miss Joan Anstee, Resident Representative of the United
Nations in Bolivia, and Señor Rafael Baraona of the Economic Commission
for Latin America. [Joan Anstee is now Dame Margaret Anstee and has
retired from the United Nations where she became Under Secretary General].
A little more
than half our time was to be spent in visiting specific projects and regions of
Bolivia, and the remaining weeks in La Paz where impressions might be developed
through discussion, and information consolidated through centralised agencies.It
was fortunate for us that the four field bases of the Andean Mission now operating
, not by accident, in widely differring regions of the country. We were therfore
afforded a near-view of the comparatively fertile regions close to Lake Titicaca,
both the minining a predominantly rural area of the Altiplano and later the vast
under-populated lowlands in the East of Bolivia. During these seven weeks we became
acquainted with problems in the fields of social organisation, land reform, agricultural
methods and land-usage, lowland colonisation, tin mining production, and more
generally, the problems of planning for development at "ground level".
1961 - Margaret Joan Anstee, Malcolm McKernan and Peter Krinks in Pillapi an old
hacienda used as a centre for the Andean Programme | More
fundemental knowledge of Bolivia was gained during visits to the provincial cities
of Oruro, Potosi, Sucre, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz, while the actual process of
travelling in Bolivia impressed quite forcefully upon us the vast geographic and
climatic obstacles which oppose economic development. Discussions
with individuals, development agencies and Ministries of the Government on almost
all aspects of Bolivia were the daily routine in La Paz. Representatives of such
concerns as the Bolivian Mining Corporation [COMIBOL] , The Ministry of Rural
Affairs and foreign oil companies were kind enough to furnish information for
our use, and to these people, and the many individuals who gave their time in
free discussion of the questions in which our interest lay, we indeed owe much. The
limitations of a generalised approach to the intricate problems of a whole nation
are immediately obvious. We hope, however that through the opportunities we were
afforded and the co-operation that we received, the impressions we gained of these
problems were well-balanced The
Third Project We
left Colombia for the USA and Canada on a cargo flight to Miami - the story is
in Memoirs
the expedition had been sponsored largely by wealthy Bristolians - people of Bristol.
England who provided the cash side of the budget, the final stage was some 'flag
waving' and 'telling the story' to the North American Press. By
arrangement with the Bristol City Council and the expedition backers the team
visited some major cities in the USA and Canada especially those with strong links
to Bristol.
For the numerous official meetings the team changed from their desert dusty kit
and wore the University badge on blazers supplied by Marsh and Co, the university
outfitters Doors
were opened to marvellous welcomes wherever the expedition stopped and on one
occasion the date coincided with an official visit of the Lord Mayor of Bristol.
- In Toronto Canada - The Lord Mayor of Bristol, the Lady Mayoress and Malcolm
Mckernan. Behind - Charles Worth who was with the Lord Mayor, Mark Howell - TCE
John Hill of the shipping line that provided or Trans-Atlantic return to Bristol
and Peter Krinks TCE |