Hello Antoine..... Allan here'...... As
if I couldn't recognise the voice....... 'I'm in London for the annual Reuters
lunch and just wondered if you would be around? ' Allan
had one of the most distinctive voices I can remember. It was slightly hesitant
and virtually without accent which was surprising as his mother had kept her Welsh
lilt. You could say Allan had a drawl. He was openly laid back, relaxed and always
waiting to tell a story. Mary Owen, an old friend who lived near the Reditt family
in Taunton, Somerset during the 1950s said on meeting him for the first time in
forty years, 'It's Allan ... he hasn't changed... He's always acting'.
1954 - On stage
was through a local drama production of The Admirable Crichton that I first
met Allan. We were at the same school in Taunton but our paths seldom crossed.
Then early in 1954 the local youth drama group, the Thalians, staged the play
with Marguerite Jenkins as the female lead.
went on to a stage and film career. I was the budding photographer taking the
pictures - here I have to admit that it was my first attempt at stage photography.
But, that was it, and our friendship progressed usually mixing with the sixth
formers from two girls' schools, Weirfield and Bishop Fox's. Many years later
when Allan saw some of the photos I had printed he jested I had nicked the prettiest
girls. The
Admirable Crichton / and a 1950s polka-dot dress. Allan
lived close to the centre of Taunton while my home was in Bishop's Hull a small
village about a mile away. At School we were in the same group learning zoology
from Ernest Neal a naturalist and broadcaster. Neal or 'Ernie' to us irreverent
students was an authority on badgers, the animals so controversial these days
for their part in carrying Bovine tuberculosis. Allan could mimic 'Ernie's' throaty
voice to the point that the line between the real and the impersonation simply
blurred and the class would descend into fits of laughter. Allan was appointed
a School Prefect a position of some responsibility and while not being hugely
successful at sport he was a fine shot with a .22 rifle. He made the 2nd Team
for the School's annual entry to the Country Life Cup which perhaps was not surprising,
after honing his skills in the town's local snooker hall, a place which was definitely
out of bounds - strictly 'off limits' unless you risked the wrath of the Head. The
Science Library Club Here.
Allan -centre left is with a group of friends informally known as the 'Science
Library Club' after the place where we met to discuss 'this and that'... mostly
the left - David L Stephens, behind is Malcolm Wicks and right is Geoff Gill Allan
who had the initials 'DA' was known, also informally, as 'duck's arse Reditt'
after his hair style. [It's a genuine 'Elvis' style of the 1950s]. Then
in 1955 it was time to move on and Allan headed to London to study Zoology at
King's College where he had an uncle, Donald Arthur who was a world expert entomologist.
Don Arthur published many papers about 'ticks' - Acaridae, the tiny parasites
best known for carrying Lyme Disease. Allan did not follow his uncle's discipline
though later when we were travelling together he seemed to know how to deal with
even the smallest of these beasties and was expert in dispatching them with a
glowing cigarette held close to his skin. University
While Allan was
learning about 'All Life on Earth' at King's I was doing much the same at Bristol
though with much more enthusiasm for photography than knowing about the mating
habits of almost anything. Well... almost anything. In the 'Vacs' our holidays,
we met back In Taunton and downed many a pint of beer together in the Half Moon
a 'pub in the otherwise dismal High Street. On a couple of occasions and with
desperate need to earn cash we worked as waiters in a Cornish hotel. At
other times Allan chose 'bar work' or home tutoring for which he had a knack.
One evening his mother caught him in the dark with a girlfriend and as a member
of the Local Family Planning committee, she commented, while decisively turning
on the light, Allan... Young gentlemen etc etc..........It was one of Allan's
favourite tales. A
short career as a teacher Following
his degree at King's Allan moved on to a teaching career. I did much the same
and for a time we lost touch. In a recent note Allan filled in the blanks as he
had a year at the Institute of Education in London and met Chris Harbon a Nottingham
graduate who was looking for time to write plays and scripts. Allan wrote to me......
Chris and I moved into a flat in Arbuthnot Road, New Cross when we finished
our PGCE's (Post Graduate Certificate of Education) at the Institute . Chris went
on to teach English at a comprehensive down the Old Kent Road and me to teach
zoology at Haberdashers' Aske's Hatcham Boys School, a grant-aided grammar school.
Chris was an ascetic good humoured character who led a minimalist life, drank
herbal tea and remained one of Allan's great friends until he died in 2009. Let
Allan continue ...I quit Haberdasher's to take up supply teaching and worked
as barman for Bernard Miles at the Whitbread Bar at the (old) Mermaid Theatre
in Puddle Dock near Blackfriars. After fruitless attempts to get into television
- interviews with Westward, Southern and ITN - I applied for advertising and got
a job as a media executive with Pritchard, Wood and Partners, Knightsbridge in
Allan was in London teaching I had completed a PGCE at Bristol and also taught
for a year. Then I found 'lift off' in photography and film making - the story
is elsewhere on this site under ABOUT-NONESUCH
By 1962 I had set up Nonesuch Expeditions with Mark Howell so we could make films
for Adventure a BBC TV series originated by David Attenborough, then a
young producer. The films were low budget 'travelling with a purpose' adventures
in far flung places. I chose Peru and Bolivia and Mark supported the idea. Pimlico
and Nonesuch Expeditions
budget meant low budget and I turned to Allan for bed-space in the London flat
[apartment] he was sharing with Tony Graves a slightly balding, more than slightly
zany physicist from Imperial College in Kensington, London. The flat was in Pimlico,
which is now a gentrified expensive part of London.
the flat[apartment] has a price tag over £900,000 - leashold [2016] Back
in 1962 Pimlico was bomb scarred, the flats were rent-controlled by law and grime
covered from years of smog.
lLife in the flat was simple as we used it to sleep and eat breakfast. Outside
at the kerbside Tony Graves kept a 1930s Citroen Avant a low slung car with front
wheel drive. If you have seen early French detective movies you will have seen
the Avant. At
least a couple of time each week we would be out and about London in the Avant
- on Friday it was to eat curry at the Shah in Drummond Street near King's
Cross station, and then to the East End pubs on the Isle of Dogs. The
name Isle of Dogs goes back at least 500 years and it refers to a place where
the Thames river meanders in a big loop. In the 1960s the Isle of Dogs became
famous for two pubs The City Barge and The Waterrman's Arms both
names telling the story of the old river traffic. In the early 1960s the Waterman's
now demolished was known as the 'singing pub' and it became an 'in spot' of the
era The owner was Daniel Farson son of Negley Farson the great American journalist
of the 1930s.
Dan Farson was a celebrated alcoholic and his lively 'singing pub' attracted some
of the most talked of names - Shirley Bassey, Francis Bacon the Irish painter
who was a good friend of Farson, Brian Epstein and others were remembered by the
locals As a base
Pimlico could not have been better for planning the first Nonesuch project and
it was only a few weeks before Allan had joined as 'production manager' arranging
the travel and other day to day details.
is on the left and I am against the Land Rover -the clipping is from a local paper
in Taunton.
set off from London in one of the coldest Januarys on record and a week later
began filming in the warmth of a Peruvian summer. Driving a friend's Alfa Romeo
could not have be further from the London grime. If I get time I'll move on to
stories about the small yacht, sundowners of Peruvian Ron Cartavio and tropical
living...... But we soon began work in the desert. 
on the Desert 1963 The
first film was a story about the strange markings in the Peruvian coastal desert
left by an ancient tribe aeons ago. As an opening sequence, we used a BOAC Comet
jet aircraft landing at Lima airport and Allan recorded the Voice Over
'Lima Tower, Speedbird to land. Over' and the response was by an American
controller 'Lima Tower to Speedbird.. Clear to land ......Allan's resonant
voice had all the confidence of a pilot about to touch down.
film concluded with the first ever filmed meeting with Maria Reiche, a German
maths teacher and recluse who was devoting her life to solving the mystery. We
found Maria in the desert and Allan accompanied her to a hilltop and asked the
questions. Allan is on the left partly hidden by Maria Reiche. The
'line' in the picture is almost 5kms long and the stony desert is covered by hundreds
more... plus large clearings, depictions of animals and huge spirals. That
was the beginning of the tale and Allan did VOs and appeared in several of the
productions. But his Oscar winning piece came one weekend
In La Paz the capital of Bolivia which at the time was tiny and isolated from
the world. The story is in Mark's book on page 68. Introducing
Jackie and Marion We
had been working on scripts and enjoying a few bottles of Paceña the local
Pilsen when Allan returned from a party and we were introduced to Jackie and Marion,
two English girls who had been sent to Bolivia by the National Union of Students
to do social work and studies in settlements of the impoverished indigenous Aymara
and Quechua people. Jacqueline
Chester is here on the right and Marion Davies is second from the left.
picture was taken close to Pillapi, a village close to Lake Titicaca at about
3800m in the Andes mountains. Jackie and Marion were based in the village for
several months. Their
temporary home was an old hacienda or farm used by the United Nations Development
Programme - Acción Andina. In
Bolivia the programme was headed by a Bolivian Director and the UN representative
Margaret Anstee who later became Under-Secretary-General of the UN, the first
woman to hold the position. In
1994 Margaret Anstee was created a Dame of Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael
and Saint George and she died in 2016 In
her book The House By the Lake Dame Margaret wrote that she had been responsible
for introducing me to Marion. It was a a nice thought but it was not quite like
that as Allan had met the two in the American Club in La Paz when they were taking
a weekend break from the cold of the mountains. Mark
noted. 'Jackie wore long hair and, usually, a subdued expression. Marion was
of Welsh extraction but [she said] only betrayed this when angry or excited'.
Behind the scenes Allan said to me.... I've chosen the red head. You can ask
Marion... We can swap later if it doesn't work out...... Mark was unconcerned
by the arranagement as he had met an American girl in Peru who was there for the
Peace Corps, the education and overseas support initiative authorised in 1961
President Kennedy Jackie
and Marion joined several of our filming journeys until they became part of the
epic journey we made together took us to the wilderness of the Andes of southern
Bolivia which now more than fifty years on is an destination for 'adventure tourism'.
In 1963 it was empty save for a few Quechua families, some miners and railway
workers. We croosed the huge salt flat of Uyuni and found our way to a ruined
town from Spanish Colonial days. The film we made - Treasures of Chuquisaca
led to more exciting adventures some years later.
I am filming Allan on the Uyuni salt flat at about 3650m metres. He is holding
a map and a fag [cigarette]. Mark is by the Land Rover waiting for the camera
to roll before 'walking into the shot'. Jackie is in the poncho and Marion took
the picture. 
last filming stop was Paraguay for a story about the Jesuits who controlled the
area in the 17th century. Remember...
we were there before the major cinema film The Mission [1986] with Jeremy
Irons and our stories were breaking new ground. By the time we were in the Chaco
forest fronting the Paraguay River, Allan had become adept with one of our cameras.
He had a natural gift of communication. When
the time came to return to England Mark decided to stay longer in Peru and Allan
joined me to fly to Rio before heading back to London by BOAC Comet. By chance,
though you will not believe it was by chance but it was, Jackie and Marion were
heading home on the same day on a Royal Mail liner, the Arlanza, docked in Rio.
It was roses and promises all round. Marriage
Allan married
Jackie in St. Mary's Church Addington, Surrey near London in 1965 and I was 'best
man'. It was so posh I had to hire a suit. When I married Marion not so poshly
at the 'Celebs' Register Office of Caxton Hall, Westminster Allan was one of our
two witnesses. He enjoyed the beer and chips. Allan
worked for the City Press and eventually entered Reuters for many postings worldwide
including Ghana, Singapore, Malaysia, Nigeria, Portugal, South Korea, Brazil,
Bahrain, and Cyprus. When overseas Jackie wrote for the British Press and one
morning we were surprised to hear her on BBC Radio 4 reporting from Seoul. All
that is part of another story and apart from occasioanal letters from Allan and
Jackie we knew very little of their travelling days.
And so - Onwards
the late 1960s and onwards I continued to make films and writing books with Marion
in Latin America. We visited Allan and Jackie once in Taunton when they were on
holiday and staying with Allan's mother. Allan is on the left with 1970s long
And in October
1975 they came to our home in Suffolk with their children, Kate and Gavin. Allan
wrote in our guest book, Business manager Nonesuch Expeditions S. America 1963,
redundant 1964 now working for Reuters Fleet Street, London though they deny it..
accompanied by Chester, erstwhile of Pillapi, Bolivia and Kate and Gavin....
'Chester' was Allan's fond name for Jackie.
was surprising that we never met up with Allan and Jackie again until they were
posted to Brasilia in 1985. We had a grand reunion with Press Passes in Rio's
Sambodromo for Carnaval. Allan - now with a moustache is on the left and Jackie
is on the right. Jackie as Jacqueline Reditt was still writing news as
a freelance.
Marion and
Tony centre 
half page story The Reality behind the Brasilia dream for The Times
covered Brasilia. the capital founded in the centre of Brazil in the late 1950s
and assesses the success of the new city. Retirement After
a final posting to Hong Kong, Allan retired in 1995, and with Jackie returned
to London where they settled in a flat [apartment] in Covent Garden. Later and
needing more space they moved to the Dordogne in southwestern France to join the
large ex-pat community. We
kept in touch by 'phone, Christmas cards and occasional reunions in London. Jackie
and Allan renovated, sold and built in the way of a 'Dordogneshire' family and
were joined by their son son Gavin and his wife from Hong Kong. Their daughter
Kate settled in England. When
we met in London DAR was still the 'Actor' and commanded the stage with his repartee.
So much so that in his favourite curry shop the staff knew him and exchanged jokes
as he acted the part of an officer in the British Raj. The picture was on their
Christmas card sent when they were in Malaysia
age and arthritis began to tell so when Allan and his younger brother Nigel visited
us in Suffolk he had difficulty climbing the stairs.
is on the left We
were together again briefly for a Memorial luncheon I held for my mother in Somerset
in 2008. The idea was to bring together in a 'pub - of course, a handful of friends
from my schooldays who my mother knew well. As an event it received a high rating
- Allan and Jackie came from France, three came from London, one from Devon and
one from Cumbria. Two were ex-sixth-formers from Weirfield and one from Bishop
Fox's. The
Last Meeting and some ancient Peruvian phallic ceramics Our
last meeting of the four of us was in November the following year over a dusty
table set in a pile of builder's clutter in our daughter's tiny house in Camberwell,
south London.
Somehow the conversation turned to the film Mystery on the Desert and Allan,
again commanding the stage began a soliloquy expounding the virtues of the grand
size of the genitalia of ancient Peruvians - somewhat overblown he thought - styled
in Mochica pottery. Jackie disowned him. But the video is the last recording I
made of his marvellous voice. Then
a couple of years later Marion and our daughter Rebecca met Allan and Jackie in
The Charles Lamb an Islington, North London 'pub in June 2010, a memorable
date as Rebecca went into labour the same day with her first child. Marion was
there doing her grandmotherly duty while back in Suffolk I had a few beers lined
up. Allan and
Jackie celebrated their Golden Wedding in 2014. Allan returned to Taunton a couple
of times staying with Nigel still living in the old family home and he called
me to say he had met with two old schoolfriends, Eric Brayley and Richard 'Dick'
Hutchings to drink coffee in one of the town's 'olde established purveyors' ....
he said he could no longer drink anything alcoholic. On
numerous occasions Allan and Jackie invited us to visit the Dordogne and it was
largely my fault that we never made it as we were still travelling to far flung
places right through to 2016. So, sadly we had to forego the delights of ex-pat
'Dordogneshire' with its menu of duck - roast - boiled - smoked or as a confit
whatever..... A distant cry from the smoke filled Albion a 'pub - now demolished
in Pimlico where the story began.
Allan's last call came in June this year and included so many thanks for the
1963 trip when he met Jackie. He said they had enjoyed such a wonderful life.
But I still didn't take the hint and continued to be in touch throughout the June
23rd Brexit referendum which was clearly upsetting most of the ex-pats. Allan
didn't reply - even to one of my memories of Ernie Neal. Either Allan was preoccupied
with the politics or unwell. Then in November out of the blue a message arrived
from Gavin with the news that his father had died from 'advanced liver cancer'. Allan
Reditt, born in London July 1936 died Ste. Alvère, France, November 2016
'His School chapel readings gave his voice a great challenge...'Memorable' ...'Always
uplifting' Journey
through a Forgotten Empire by Mark Howell and published by Geoffrey Bles,
1964 The Baron - Reuters Staff magazine - Obituary Tuesday 8th
November 2016 For
the short Nonesuch News entry READ