                         NONESUCH EXPEDITIONS   FOUNDED IN 1962
University of Bristol Trans-Continental Expedition 1960 — 61


Malcolm McKernan was the senior writer on Nonesuch News the student's union newspaper.

On January 29th 1960 Malcolm wrote a story to announce the expedition and called for students to join the enterprise

Eastwards to the Andes




' This is the general direction to be taken by the Bristol University Union Trans-Continental Expedition which will leave England in August for India and South America. The expedition will drive overland as far as possible and will be completely self supporting.....'

' Following the spice traders - the Expedition sets off on the old spice-trade route and for the following 14 months the Bristol the Himalayas to the Andes...badge will be carried from

'The idea of a Trans-World Expedition was conceived over a gas-fire in North Kensington in January, 1958, by Mark Howell,then an undergraduate at Bristol University. A letter to Tony Morrison asking him to join him in the venture received Tony's answer that he was interested in such an expedition as long as it were purposeful and well organised This was the beginning. Then followed weeks and months of planning....'

Tony adds, ' I suspect the date is incorrect and 1959 is the year when the idea really started to move in our minds. In 1958 exams and careers were too compelling. Malcolm massaged my response to fit the launch. Picture on the right Jill Glegg [News] back to camera, Michael Gorman [Editor of the paper is in the shadow] Tony, Mark and Malcolm.

Malcolm's account gave a broad view of plans which changed in the detail over the following seven months of fund raising, support gathering and fine tuning. Two of the original members mentioned in the story , Mike Duley, Zoology and his friend John McGarry, Medicine, dropped out and three new members joined - Peter Krinks, Geography, Roger Tutt, Economics and Don Pilton, Medicine. Academic staff accepted advisory and support positions, the Vice Chancellor became the Chairman of Finance, and the Lord Mayor of Bristol agreed to be Patron

The story was picked up by the local press and televison so it could be said that this spread in Nonesuch News launched the venture.

Footnote Also on the front page January 29th 1960 - A Union thief was gaoled; White Elephant alterations to a wall between the Clarke-Harrison Room and the Back Gym were highlighted as high handed action by the University authorities and a 'Pornographic' magazine called Anacrap, sold around the University at 6d [old pence] was banned. The centre pages carried an article - BOYCOTT! about the boycott of South African goods as a protest in the time of apartheid


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