The Wayana of Twenke village on the upper River Maroni
The Wayana or Waiano are a Carib-speaking people who also live in the forests of Brazil and Suriname
hover cursor over images for caption
fgga0122 'pirogues' - canoes on River Maroni
fgga0162 children on way to school
fgga0239 drying a freshly cut canoe
fgga0212 man plaiting palm leaves
fgga0171 children at school
fgga0268 painted Maluana disc
fgga0017 collecting manioc
fgga0023 collecting manioc in katali basket
fgga0029 cleaning manioc
fgga0041 pressing juice from manioc in woven tipiti
fgga0042 pressing juice from manioc in woven tipiti
fgga0047 pressing juice from manioc in woven tipiti
fgga0057 compressed mass of manioc after extracting juice
fgga0059 sifting manioc flour
fgga0070 cooking manioc/ cassava bread
fgga0077 forming manioc bread
fgga0080 forming manioc bread
fgga0094 baking manioc bread
fgga0143 Twenke village & meeting house, Tukisipan
fgga0146 simple house
fgga0131 solar panel beside River Maroni
fgga0196 children playing football at Taluwen
fgga0198 children playing football at Taluwen
fgga0176 French teacher in Twenke school
fgga0228 hand-shaping an earthenware pot
fgga0154 father & daughter
fgga0213 man plaiting palm leaves
fgga0245 drying a freshly cut canoe
fgga0238 drying a freshly cut canoe
fgga0123 canoes on River Maroni
fgga0138 dispensary & solar panel, Twenke
fgga0139 dispensary & solar electric lighting Twenke
fgga0140 dispensary & solar electric lighting Twenke
Photos by Tony Morrison

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