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The pictures in this feature were taken by Charlotte Lipson, a leading PR consultant from New York, now living in New Mexico. Charlotte has been a long time friend of South American Pictures thanks to a chance encounter in the highlands of Peru in the 1960s. She has been contributing images and help from New York and now from New Mexico for many years. | |||||||||
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recently as the 1940's more than half New Mexico's population were of Hispanic
descent and the
State is
a treasure chest of history. The remains of past cultures are well preserved in
numerous classic sites dating back to long before Europeans arrived.
The State Flag carries a symbol of a red cross, a native American design from the surviving native American Zia pueblo. In the mind of the Zia the cross embodies a concept of the harmony of the universe. It represents the four quarters of the Earth, the four parts of the day from sunrise to sunset, the four seasons and the four ages of life from birth to death. | |||||||||
Land of Billy the Kid Stagecoaches
ran through deserts to Santa Fe the State capital. Mexico is to the south,
Arizona is to the west and Texas to the east.
first peoples Between 5000BC and AD900 the land was the home of
the Jornada Mogollon, a people who were descended from the earliest nomads. The
Mogollon made countless rock drawings representing the simplest aspects of their
life ....sun drawings, wildlife, hands and masks together with geometric patterns
that undoubtedly had a deep spiritual meaning. One
of the best known sites for petroglyphs is a low ridge above Three Rivers near
the Arizona border. At this site more than 20,000 individual rock drawings have
been identified. In the later stages of their occupation of the southern part
of New Mexico, the Mogollon built their stone houses on rock ledges and in caves.
Best known of these are the Gila cliff dwellings, now a National
Monument. | |||||||||
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As a landmark in New Mexico's recent history, the world's first atomic bomb explosion stands alone. | |||||||||
July 16th 1945 A new era of warfare opened and life on Earth would never be the same again. The explosion was the culmination of years of nuclear research and a high pressure secret race to develop a weapon. The 'Manhatten Project' was the body given overall control of the work and a desert area known as 'Trinity Site' was closed to all visitors. The site is rarely opened and has been designated an historic landmark. In July 1995 the site was opened as part of the 50th anniversary of 'The Bomb' and Charlotte was there. The focal point of the explosion - ground zero - can be seen and radioactivity has fallen to a sustainable level. The only danger comes from beads of fused material known as Trinitite. They are still radioactive and must not be touched. Another military site not far away is the missile range at White Sands, a desert of pure gypsum.The range is closed but large areas of the sands are open to visitors who can enjoy one of America's most famous natural wonders. Is
Anyone Out There? New Mexico can claim one of the first accounts
of a UFO (OVNI) that landed or possibly crashed. The Roswell Incident
has been well documented and argued over since July 1947 when an object
was seen falling to the ground near Roswell, 33.23N 104.31W, not far from Carlsbad
and its enormous caverns. The first witnesses to arrive at the | |||||||||
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A movie from 1997 starring Jodie Foster and based on a book by the late Dr.Carl
Sagan, contains some location filming at the site of a giant radio telescope in
New Mexico. The highly rated film concerns the quest for intelligent life in space
and we are left in no doubt that another race of great importance to mankind has
started . New Mexico's National Radio Astronomy Observatory known as 'The Very
Large Array' is some 52 miles -83kms west of Socorro in the southern part of the
State. Set at an altitude of 700ft -2165m, a series of large dish radio antennas receive signals from the very edge of the universe. Each dish weighs 235 tons - or 238,730kgs - and can be directed with extreme accuracy to pinpoint objects in deep space. The signals are converted into images by computer. Scientists at the VLA are adamant that their prime goal is not the search for life - but what if they do find a green planet whirling on the outer fringes? I bet they'll look over their white-coated shoulders to make sure they're not looking in a mirror and then keep quiet about it. More information about the VLA can be obtained from National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Public Information Office, P.O.Box 0, Socorro, New Mexico 87801 USA. | |||||||||
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Even Hotter Chiles
are one of the State's important crops and many varieties are grown, some with
exotic names such as Sonora mild, Sandia picante, Barker extra-picante (wow!),
Cayenne, and Jalapeno. The annual harvest is celebrated when the growers display
brilliantly coloured ristras - or necklaces of chiles. At one time the
ristra was the way chiles were dried before they were ground into powder.
Today they are mostly for decoration. Later our features will turn to Latin American
cooking and another feature will cover chiles and spicy cooking . Only a Taste This page has space for only a taste of New Mexico. Look out for Charlotte's work on the New Mexico pages in the archive. We will include the Day of the Dead - celebrated on All Souls Day and All Saint's Day [November 1st and 2nd ]. Today the Day of the Dead or Dia de los Muertos is a a festival of the Catholic church and followed by many. A similar festival was observed by native American people who believed the souls of departed relatives would return each year. With the arrival of European culture the beliefs were seen as one and the November dates became set in the Americas. November 1st is traditonally for children while on the next day the adults gather at gravesides. Flowers, candles and a special bread pan de muerto are all part of the festival. More widely seen are the small papier maché dolls resembling skeletons, and events where people dress, rather ghoulishly in costumes resembling the dead.
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More on New Mexico Have you ever heard of Duck Racing or of a town named Truth or Consequences? For the history addicts there are Aztec ruins (but surely... aren't they in Mexico. Correct ... but there are ruins at a site called Aztec in New Mexico too). Finally, just across the border we will take you to 'Juarez' - Ciudad Juárez in Chihuahua state. You can be assured that New Mexico 'is the USA with a difference'. Bienvenidos | |||||||||