Chan Chan, Chimu civilization
The Chimu empire covered much of the northern desert of Peru and lasted to the mid 15th century. The principal city Chan Chan (El Gran Chimu) was a metropolis of royal palaces, store rooms, living quarters and workshops spread over some 6 square kilometres. It was said to have been founded by a legendary ruler, Tacaynamo who arrived on a reed raft.
pge0187 Chan Chan - ruined walls of the ancient city
pge0197  'El Gran Chimu'  (Chan Chan today) from E George Squier 1863-1865
PGE0182 Chan Chan - audiencias, possibly administrative offices of the elite
pge0002  pot in shape of rider on a reed raft
pdc0120  reed raft in use today
pge0138 Chan Chan, Tschudi Palace, mythical bird mud relief/ part reconstruction
pge0008  mud walls of Chan Chan 1963
pge0009 mud walls of Chan Chan in 1963
pge0011 workmen uncovering mud ruins of Chan Chan 1963
pge0015 workmen uncovering mud ruins of Chan Chan 1963
pge0016  1963:  bird motifs in Tschudi palace, Chan Chan
pge0017 mythical bird frieze as found in the Tschudi Palace
pge0079 ceramic of figure standing on seed pods
pge0074 pot in human form with animal on shoulders
pge0061  Jaguar figure in wood and mother of pearl
pge0175 Chan Chan - ruined walls
pge0189 Chan Chan - ruined walls of the ancient city
pge0190 Chan Chan - ruined walls of the ancient city
pge0090 Chan Chan Tschudi Palace, view north west to the Pacific Ocean
pge0100 Chan Chan, Tschudi Palace / rhomboid decoration
pge0108 Chan Chan, Tschudi Palace/ rhomboid decoration
pge0108 Chan Chan, Tschudi Palace/ rhomboid decoration & mud bird relief
pge0195 Chan Chan - audiencias, possibly administrative offices of the elite
pge0196 PGE0180 Chan Chan - audiencias, possibly administrative offices of the elite
pge0067 wooden figure with mud plaster face mask
pge0069 wooden figure with mud plaster face mask
pge0176 Chan Chan, Tschudi Palace, statue in Plaza Ceremonial/ reconstruction
pge0181 Chan Chan, Tschudi Palace, walls with rhomboid decoration
PGE0183 Chan Chan detail of wall & mythicl bird relief in Tschudi Palace  'audiencia'/ part reconstruction
PGE0184 Chan Chan : mythicl bird relief in Tschudi Palace  'audiencia'/ part reconstruction
pge0130 Chan Chan, Tschudi Palace, mythical bird frieze, Plaza Ceremonial/ part reconstruction
pge0119 Chan Chan, Tschudi Palace, mythical bird frieze, Plaza Ceremonial/ part reconstruction
pge0098 Chan Chan, Tschudi Palace, wall with fish &  bird mud relief figures/ part reconstruction
pge0135 Chan Chan, Tschudi Palace, mythical bird mud relief/ part reconstruction
pge0188 Chan Chan: restored mythical bird motif in Tschudi Palace
pge0191 Chan Chan: restored wall & bird mud relief frieze, Tschudi Palace, Plaza Ceremonial
pge0185 Chan Chan: restored wall in Tschudi complex
PGE0180 Chan Chan - audiencias, possibly administrative offices of the elite
pge0179 Chan Chan, Tschudi Palace, wall with fish &  bird / mud relief figures/ part reconstruction
pge0143  Chan Chan/ Huaca Esmeralda, original mud relief
pge0003 ceramic mortar & pestle
pge0141 Chan Chan, Tschudi Palace, mythical bird mud relief/ part reconstruction
pge0186 Chan Chan: statue in the Tschudi complex
pge0194 Chan Chan, Tschudi Palace, figures stand guard in Plaza Ceremonial
pge0198  'El Gran Chimu'  (Chan Chan today) from Charles Wiener 1880
pge0156 Chan Chan: Huaca el Dragon (also known as Arco Iris) restored mud arabesque
pge0155 Chan Chan: Huaca el Dragon (also known as Arco Iris) restored mud arabesque
pge0170 Chan Chan: Huaca el Dragon (also known as Arco Iris) restored mud arabesque
pge0080 1963 Paramonga fortress before reconstruction
pge0036 Paramonga fortress, southern limit of Chimu empire
pge0021 Paramonga fortress, southern limit of Chimu empire
Photos by Britt Dyer, Rob Francis, Kathy Jarvis & Tony Morrison


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